Windosill and the use of Agency

Windosill is a simple point a click game the fully relies on motion from a mouse or finger depending what medium you are viewing it in. But with this simplicity comes a lot of fun. You have to touch everything in order to proceed to the next level. In a game like this agency is everywhere, but it’s up to you to figure out what needs to be done in order to proceed. Agency is “the feeling of empowerment that comes from being able to take actions in the world whose effects relate to the player’s intention”. Meaning that you can affect the game world in some way. In Windosill almost everything you do can affect the game. It gives off the impression like most old school point and click adventures where you go to a certain scene and have to figure out what you need in the scene in order to move forward in the game. With Windosill though each scene is it’s own personal little puzzle that must be solved before you can open the door to the next room. I always loved games with this type of agency where you touch or click something and get a response. My favorite series is the Monkey Island series especially when it become all mouse based. The Curse of Monkey Island features a rich animation and every click Guybrush, the main character, will either collect something or have a witty remark about the surroundings.

Some people say having too much agency in a game is distracting but for me it’s the puzzle aspect I love. Never knowing what you need and trying to find it in a rich environment leads more to exploration, thinking, and actually enjoying where you are and what you have to do. With Windosill you basically have to touch everything and make things happen in a specific pattern in order to get the next piece, but it’s exploring everything that makes it fun. This is a well thought out world where everything is weird but makes sense and you need to explore it in order to go further. It’s just like life, in order to move ahead you must explore things. If you are to stay in one place, yes you will live but will that life have been very fulfilling in the end.

Four quick titles

For my Game Culture class this week we had to play four five minute games; Dys4ia, Art Game, Passage, and We Were You and write small responses for them each. All four had very different styles but I think had very unique stories to tell.

Dys4ia is a simple little game similar to Wario Ware, but really signifies the confusion and torture of someone who is transexual. The message of this game is that the people going through these changes are having a rough time, mentally and physically, and wants the players to experience some of that confusion and hardships that come with not being born the correct gender, not because they want to torture the players in some way but to let the players experience what it is like to be in these situations.

Art Game is a game that uses games as art. I think this perfectly exemplifies what a lot of gamers already see. Video games are art. And to use a game to create art to show in a gallery is an ingenious way of showing it.

Passage is the passage of time in a little pixel side scroller. I played it through twice (due to some technical difficulty of my computer). The first time I just went straight ahead not knowing you could do anything more than move forward, the second time I moved up and down and found obstacles. I think the message of the game is to constantly move forward though as time never stops. Sure there maybe obstacles in the way but you can work your way around them, or you could just live a simple life and stay on the narrow path, either way life continues to move forward. The passage of time never ends.

Lastly We Were You is a song games that basically tells the player everyone has a story and the player should listen to their story. The butterflies have a story, the mammoth has a story, and the Tiger has a story. Listening to their stories lets the player experience some part of the creatures life, and to hear a story is to learn a lesson.

Do you have an absolute right to privacy?

One of my teachers asked us last class if we have an absolute right to privacy, and I instantly thought of course we do, but in really thinking about it some more I don’t think that is the case. If you think about it we have always already given away some of our privacy at birth. Doctors know your birthday, your blood type, have copies of hand and foot prints. Then the government has to get in on it by giving you a social security card and have you registered as a US citizen. From there they follow you along and make sure you go to school and… etc etc etc.

There is such a thing as a right to privacy, but I don’t think that continues into an absolute right to privacy. You can still keep who you’re dating, your sexual orientation, what classes you are taking, what you like on your latte, or even if you like latte, all of these you can keep secret. But when it comes to some detailed personal information the government knows. Now does the government really have the right to this information? Do you truly have the absolute right to privacy?

According to this USNews Article the government doesn’t even feel you have the absolute right to privacy with your own data. This is an age old question though. If the government has rights to some data why can’t they have rights to all of it? Well for one they shouldn’t. Telephone calls and other things they should never have had access to anyway. They say it protects people but rarely has this data trolling actually helped anyone. So we should be allowed to have absolute right to privacy, but we give up a few of those rights in order to protect people. But it’s always a constant struggle of how many of those rights we still have.

Take the article mentioned above, the government is upset that Apple and Google are setting up protections on peoples smart phones so they can keep their data private, as it should be. They are upset though because they feel they should have rights to it. Like a search warrant can give you the right to search someones place, they feel they should have a right to data as well. But in reality if these were smart terrorists there wouldn’t be anything on any electronic device that they own that would link back to themselves, not that I would think most criminals are smart, but I have heard drug dealers get cheap pay by the minute phones and throw them away when they think they are being pursued. So why wouldn’t terrorists or others do the same? Why would criminals be stupid enough to be walking around with something that would instantly incriminate them anyway.

Point is, which seemed to go off on a tangent for a bit, that no in order to protect ourselves and our loved ones we don’t have an absolute right to privacy, but that doesn’t not mean we have no rights to privacy. Don’t get me started on people willingly giving up those rights with Facebook and Twitter and such XD


Response to “Piercing the Spectacle”

The Spectacle, the all encompassing world of media and advertisements that surround us, is rather hard to get away from according to “Piercing the Spectacle”. I actually agree with most of what the writer says, but disagree with some of the writers views on using games to replace real world action. “Through fantasies of agency we are entrained to satiate our needs for personal power in a realm where we can create no real disturbance to the web of control that enfolds us.” This is true only because we feel we have no power in the real world. In games we have all the power. No “games are not a rehearsal for life”, as the writer says, but can help train us in difficult situations when to assert ourselves. The real world has consequences that cannot viably be tested without generally dire consequences, for example loss of job, housing, imprisonment, and these are for basic things, for instance standing up for what you believe in. Games allow us to explore these things and vent frustrations without any repercussions.

As for gaming being addicted, I think most people can say that yes it is, but no more addictive than most other forms of media and entertainment. The spectacle is all about getting people hooked on their products be it a game, a TV show, a movie, a retail store, or a brand of clothing. The writer says that mobile gaming is a distraction for you brain and on that I agree but it’s a distraction from the spectacle that surrounds us everyday. Playing games is along the same lines as reading books are the train. The mind does need distraction sometime especially when it receives tons of information of a daily basis, why wouldn’t you want to distract it for a little mindless fun, when you are otherwise doing another mindless activity anyway. While it is true that the spectacle does exist to distract us or get us hooked, it does not necessarily follow that we will be hooked or distracted by the spectacle. To put it bluntly, I do feel that because of the spectacle that we are less likely to do anything against the people running the spectacle because they hold the power, usually in the form of money, and for the most part we do not.

The Videogames of the Oppressed

Videogames of the Oppressed by Gonzalo Frasca is an interesting thesis on taking video games and making them much like Augusto Boal’s Theater of the Oppressed. The Theater of the Oppressed is a model of theater in which a situation is presented to the audience and they have to come up with a real world solution in order to solve it. Of course, many will probably disagree with this assertion that Frasca is suggesting but I think games could benefit from this type of interaction rather than the typical binary interaction video games typically have. Take, for example, The Black Glove which failed it’s Kickstarter goal, but has been talked about a lot frequently. In the game the player must make changes in time in order to help various characters improve themselves, so a failing singer could be changed to a star just by changing the genre they sing. It’s a bit more complicated than that of course cause there are many things you could change to change the outcome of the character.

I always believed that games should be treated in more of a way that Frasca suggests, Where you’re interaction actually has consequences rather than just a yes or no. As a result most games today have various different stories but they don’t really seem overly interactive. The players are introduced to loads of story chucks and then kill all the bad guys. There are a few games that do continue the story while there is some action, for example Skyrim, but it’s still stop, kill, return to story. Even games with side choosing, meaning being good or being evil, is only doing it two sided. For instance inFamous: Second Son you can choose to be good or infamous but there are some instances that I would do good by not having a gun waving lunatic on the streets and it’s considered evil. Secondly, why can’t Deslin just use his powers to persuade the enemies not to do these things. I mean threatening after many uses of the power is about as good as using the powers.

Games like The Black Glove need to happen just to extend and change the way stories are told in gaming, otherwise what we are left with is stories that are compelling but only really two sided.

Free to Pay: Free-to-play games and the future of gaming

It’s odd to see all the free to play games out there that, once you play you discover that’s not the case at all. These types of games I call free to pay games. Some are better than others in the genre but quite a few just try to sucker you out of your money. The most recent examples of these are Candy Crush Saga and Tetris Blast. Neither of these games specifically asks you for money but if you want to continue to play or want special items you better fork over the cash. This form of money grab as Mike Rose argues in Chasing the Whale that focusing on a select group of people known as “whales”. These people are addicted to the game to spend all of their hard earned cash to get useless online items. However, it is simply not true that this is a representation of all free to play games. I personally used to play a lot of Second Life and you don’t have to buy anything if you don’t want to. In fact since you can create anything and sell it you could possibly just make money off of SL. AT the same time I have spent a lot of money on SL myself and it just enhances the game play of the game. For instance, you can pay rent in a sim so you can build a building and make a home for yourself, or purchase clothing to fit the environment that you currently reside in. But Second Life and Candy Crush Saga are two different beasts of free to pay games. One basically requires you to pay in order to continue playing the game as the other just enhances the game ascetics. Microtransactions in and of themselves is not a bad thing, it’s just using them to the affect of bankrupting someone to play an addicting game is.

But Free to Play is real and, arguably, the most significant factor in the customer points system discussed by Jesse Schell. Jesse Schell in DICE 2010 did a presentation called “Design Outside the Box” which discusses the gamification of everyday things and games that gamers and developers are surprised that became big hits. Examples he uses are the Wii and Wii Fit, Guitar Hero, Facebook Games etc. These games seemingly came from no where and dominated the field and made tons of money doing so. I wholeheartedly endorse what Jesse Schell calls “psychological cleverness” that is going on with games, but I’m not really fond of his conclusion that everything will be gamified including advertisements. There are some interesting aspects to a gamified world but Jesse Schell overlooks what I consider an important point about using a point system for everything and how it would defeat the purpose of some others. For instance, he used Dr. Pepper giving you points for drinking a can each week, but also walking somewhere gives you points for being healthy. Wouldn’t the point system see “Oh you’re drinking a sugary soft drink -50 points”.

These conclusions, which both Jesse Schell and Mike Rose discuss in Microtransations in games and Gamification, add weight to the argument that this will continue and could be part of gaming for a long time. For me though I feel that people are already getting tired of the “Whaling” aspect of games and simply want something fun that if free they pay for what content they want but not have to spend to play. And gamification is going to continue as even most new apps now make life situations into a game so you can workout, create routines, even clean the house. It will be interesting to see what the future holds.

Jesse Schell DICE 2010: “Design Outside the Box” Presentation
Chasing the Whale: Examining the ethics of free-to-play games by Mike Rose [Business/Marketing]

Response to “Fertility and Virtual Reality”

It’s always confusing to deal with any doomsday statements, especially when they use scientific data to prove their points, but saying virtual reality will bring about the end of humanity is a bit far fetched in “Fertility and Virtual Reality” by Edward Castronova. Although I agree with Edward Castronova up to a point, I cannot accept his overall conclusion that virtual reality will end humanity. Actually I’m sure you could prove anything with enough data behind it. The writer’s premise is that the increase of digital technology and virtual worlds has decreased fertility in the modernized world, whereas in under developed countries without the digital technology there is no decrease in fertility. It doesn’t take into account that developed countries generally have many other things to do besides just have sex. Leisure time and entertainment in general in developed countries are much more common. By extension we also have a lot more ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies through prophylactics and birth control.

Though I concede that virtual reality does let one live out their fantasies, I still insist that this will not end humanity. In fact I believe that the internet and virtual worlds actually help people connect with others who have certain fantasies they want to fulfill rather than make them all virtual. For example, there have been many people who have found each other and have gotten married because of games such as World of Warcraft. Also consider communities that have come together specifically because of the internet, such as the furry fandom.

Sadly I really don’t agree with much of what Edward Castronova has said with his piece. He is right that people want to live out their fantasies and doing so only really helps, but he seems on more dubious ground when he claims that it will lead to the downfall of man. And why, because people need human interaction. Most cannot stay by themselves for the rest of their lives. The ones who do were probably going to stay by themselves with or without technology. You can’t get the same satisfaction from VR that you can from a real person and I doubt anything will change that until we have real AI and holodecks like in Star Trek: The Next Generation. The whole thing makes me think of uncanny valley. Yeah it may feel good, but it is usually off putting and never quite the same as something that is truly real.

Response to “Interactive and Narrative” by Mateas and Stern pt. 2

After playing video games for most of my life I have come to realize that the best games tend to either have tons of story and little interactivity or tons of interactivity and little story. Mateas’ and Stern’s theory of Interactivity and Narrative is extremely useful because it sheds insight on the difficult problem of integration of the two and went out to try and create the perfect game, one of pure interactive fiction. But if you have ever played Facade you realize it’s not a game you really want to play for the shear fact that it is rather dull. So does making the perfect interactive narrative mean giving up on action, I really don’t believe so, but to make the perfect game of story and play sacrifices may need to be made.

Currently games are made to weave the story into the game by having cut scenes that are more and more looking alike, for example, take the newest installment of the Tomb Raider series, Lara Croft in the cut scenes looks the same as Lara Croft in the playable scenes, there are movie scenes that require you to press certain button combinations in order for her to basically not die, and the movies and action all take place in the same area even if it’s a slightly different angle when in movie scene. Sadly though there is still not full story mode while continuously playing, It always seems separated as if there are two games you are playing, one for the action and interactivity and one for the narrative and movies. They are a lot more smoothed over than they used to be but they are still there.

In order for Mateas and Stern to understand narrative they used Aristotelian Drama as their basis. Those unfamiliar with this school of thought may be interested to know that it basically boils down to action, character, thought, language, pattern, and enactment. As Mateas and Stern state:

In drama, the formal cause is the authorial view of the play. The author has constructed a plot that attempts to explicate some theme. The characters required in the play are determined by the plot; the plot is the formal cause of the characters. The characters’ thought processes are determined by the kinds of characters they are. The language spoken by the characters is determined by their thought. The patterns (song) present in the play are determined, to a large extent, by the characters’ language (more generally, their actions). The spectacle, the sensory display presented to the audience, is determined by the patterns enacted by the characters.

This is the basic form of drama and can be used by most writers to create exciting environments that keep the audience entranced, for instance Harry Potter. Harry was created by the plot because the plot specifically created him, meaning Voldemort heard the prophecy, found the boy, and tried to kill him, which in the end created his own doom in Harry Potter. The plot itself was the Prophecy that echoed throughout the book series.

The writers went further when describing how to make it interactive by saying:

The characters in an interactive drama should be rich enough that the player can infer a consistent model of the characters’ thought. If the characters’ thought can be understood (e.g. goals, motivations, desires), then this thought becomes a material resource for player action. By reasoning about the other characters’ thoughts, the player can take actions to influence these characters, either to change their thoughts, or actively help or hinder them in their goals and plans.

Meaning make the character as interactive as possible and make them understand almost anything you say. Consider Skyrim where you can go up to every NPC and tell them anything you want and they react accordingly and not to a simple few responses. You say something weird, they look at you weirdly, you say something that is inspiring they are inspired, you say something moody and they get the tone and mood from you.

The culmination of this Interactive Narrative that the writers wanted to create came out to be Facade, a video game that is true interactive fiction but almost in it’s dullest sense. It starts off as you being invited to you friends house and talking to them to basically find out what is going on with them and their issues. Specifically it is a play that has you as the star and interacting with the actors in a video game format. There is no real action as most real agency has been taken away in order to provide immersion. And sadly once more we are back to the start where the game has little activity and tons of story.

If the writers are right that we can combine interactivity and narrative to form a perfect game, as I think they are, then we need to reassess the assumption that they are going about it in the wrong way. If they want true interactivity and narrative you need the world itself to be filled with real people, much like WoW or other online games, but once you have them there you give them the ability to create anything they want, or at least within reason that the world provides. For example, the ability to create your own store and sell merchandise to people, create your own weapons, or set up quests to find ancient weapons to sell in your store or to recreate. Within this world Time needs to be constant so if a person goes offline then their character goes NPC. They can set up what things they want their character to say for certain things and the activities they want them to do while away, not like going to dungeons and fighting monsters, but daily chores that real worlds actually have. And then to top all of that off have quests that are story driven but that not all can accomplish, meaning have NPCs that are maybe controlled by actors/developers of the game that will give out limited or single quests for certain people, because not everyone can be the hero and not everyone can get the same chest in the dungeon of deadly spiders. These are just a few things that you can do to make the world feel more alive and once the world feels alive, with real people, real interaction with that world will happen.

Response to “Interactive and Narrative” by Mateas and Stern

nteractive Fiction…

When I first got online it was to write in a form of Interactive Fiction, unlike what is described in the reading. It was my first time through college and the internet was just starting it’s first boom outside of AOL. Nintendo had made a updated site and opened up their BBS (Bulletin Board Service) to everyone and not just AOL members. And on their website they hosted Interactive Stories featuring their worlds, like Hyrule from Zelda, and Corneria and the Lylat System from Star Fox. In the BBS I and a bunch of other Nintendo fans would create our own characters and interact within the setting provided. At some point if people liked your idea/story they would try to interact with you via story or actually contact you and try to write something together. Today this would be more like Fan Fiction mixed with Collaborative Writing. Once Nintendo started changing the way they did things on their website people moved onward to make their own Interactive Story (what we called these types of stories then) sites. Granted a few different sites spawned from this but in the end, like most things on the internet, it eventually died, or changed into something else, like the previous mentioned Fan Fiction.

Of course I bring up all this personal history because this article focuses a lot on narrative and story and the act of interacting within it. The best example of these would be Adventure Games be it text or point and click. I disagree with the writers view that the Adventure Game was dead because, as recent research has shown this is not the case. In fact the Adventure Game has shown a huge resurgence in the last few years thanks largely in part to TellTale Games, who made sequels to The Monkey Island series and Sam and Max, two of which were major Adventure Games of the past. But really Adventure Games never died in the first place due to sites like where they discussed and sold many adventure games. In fact the Nancy Drew series, which has always been an Adventure Game, is one of the most prolific and also most profitable series created.Admittedly there was a huge decline in Adventure games during the last decade though they never really died. I really feel what happened as the graphics improved games focused on more what they could see rather story points, as current tech gets more closer and closer to reality visually we have gotten to the point where we want more depth in the games we play.

Why harp on one small statement from this article, well this was the one portion that really focused on a certain aspect of gameplay and wasn’t just a definition of certain types of narrative in games. By focusing on the definitions the writers overlook the deeper problems in the games itself and why stories and games haven’t melded. One of the main things I think is the issue is the act of interacting in general. The form of interacting with the narrative is contrived at times, meaning it’s difficult at best. You get introduced to characters minor or not who basically say the same things over and over. For instance, in Skyrim every person you pass tells you their story every time, after passing them five or six times to get achieve certain goals you’ve heard the same dialog from these characters all those five or six times. The guards are a little better only because they have a list of things to say, but after having the billionth guard tell you that he took an arrow to the knee it gets tiresome. Naturally this is still better than some older games but they haven’t changed much.

Gone Home Personal Response

Gone home.

Just in the name there seems something wrong. It’s not “Going Home” or “Coming Home” it’s “Gone home”. The fact that we you get home that everyone is gone is a clue that there is something more to it. This family, like most families tend to be, is in turmoil. From a distant, lost husband/father who’s finally finding his way back to himself to a wife/mother who has felt that distance and tried to find some comfort in a coworker to a daughter who was going through a life changing situation herself. You don’t realize how deep it all is until you search for everything.
This story is of course not about Katie, the one who left to go visit Europe for a year, although with the family in such turmoil it’s no surprise she wanted to get out. The story is about Sam and really her coming out story.

The first time I went to college I had to take a University 101 class, which of course got you used to the school but at the differences in the world around you. It really wasn’t until that class that I finally admitted to myself that I was gay. I had basically know for a long time but really didn’t put the picture together until that moment. It also didn’t help growing up Southern Baptist with a Grandfather as a preacher either. Basically it took quite a long time for me to come to grips with myself, wishing I wasn’t who I was. Once I finally admitted it to myself I had to tell the one person who meant to world to me, my mom. I took it slow, and popped hints and such and luckily she wasn’t upset. In fact I would have to say coming out to my mom for me was the best thing that ever happened because it strengthened our bond. But even that wasn’t easy. The best thing for me though was getting into the schools gay group and meeting one of my best friends of all time, whom I dated, twice. We never made it as a couple but he will always be my best friend, and funny enough he is in the game industry now too.
Anyway this game hit home to me because obviously there was a huge connection. This coming out story is like many I have heard, and luckily not like mine, but the feelings are the same. Sam feels lost, scared, alone, and would have probably loved to have her big sister around to tell all these things to. I have two older brothers but were never as connected to them as Sam and Katie seemed to be in the game. In reality the conflict of this game was more of an internal one for Sam.

Think about the side story with Masan and his ghost. Personally I think this goes to show the insecurities Sam was facing, the fears, the secrets. In the end she got over them by having a seance, removing those fears.

I’m writing this because I want to say I see some of myself in this game, but at the same time I see a lot of people who have had to come out in this game. We shouldn’t have to be afraid of being who we are, ever. We shouldn’t have to be afraid of who we want to be either.

Thank you Fullbright for making such an awesome game, and a story that ever one needs to hear.